Communicate with Co-workers Effectively

At English Accent Tutor, we want to help you achieve your professional goals. We believe that your accent should not interfere with upward mobility in your career. Although it is unfortunate, studies show that listeners often use implicit bias when judging accented speech. In particular, a 2010 study by S. Lev-Ari and B. Keysar found that non-native English speakers are thought to be less credible than native speakers. We want to make your communication at work as seamless as possible so that you are judged not by your accent, but by the content of your ideas and your work.
In coaching sessions, we will practice words and terms that you use at the workplace so that you can easily communicate with coworkers and clients. We will target any specific communication issues that have previously arisen in your workplace, as well as plan ahead for upcoming projects, so that you feel fully confident that your voice is well-received and valued! To learn more about how we do this, visit our accent improvement page.
In coaching sessions, we will practice words and terms that you use at the workplace so that you can easily communicate with coworkers and clients. We will target any specific communication issues that have previously arisen in your workplace, as well as plan ahead for upcoming projects, so that you feel fully confident that your voice is well-received and valued! To learn more about how we do this, visit our accent improvement page.